
【ATEC College X Georgetown Festival 2024】这10天ATEC学生带你进入槟城的 Lomography 世界!


Experience the enchanting "Alive Thru Every Click" Georgetown Lomo Wall at this year's George Town Festival, a collaboration between ATEC College and George Town Festival. This creative project supported by Xiaomi Malaysia's advanced mobile photography technology, showcases ATEC students' talents and captures the beauty and culture of Penang.

Lomo Wall embodies the Lomography philosophy of spontaneous. carefree photography. Each photo, from old streets to modern buildings, reflects Penang's diversity and charm. For locals, it's a cherished memory, for visitors, a window to Penang's unique allure.

Visit Lomo Wall at the George Town Festival 2024 to experience this vibrant tribute to Penang!

欢迎体验 ATEC College 于 George Town Festival 2024 呈现的 “Alive Thru Every Click” George Town Lomowall。这⼀创意项 ⽬由 Xiaomi Malaysia 的先进⼿机摄影技术⽀持,展⽰了 ATEC 学⽣的创意和才华,同时捕捉了槟城的美丽与文化。 

Lomo Wall 体现了 Lomography 的精神——⼀种⾃发、⽆忧⽆虑 的摄影理念。摄影师随⼼所欲地捕捉瞬间,不拘泥于传统摄影的 规则和技术,⽽是⽤更⾃由、更个⼈化的⽅式记录⽣活。每⼀张 照片,都反映了槟城的多样性和独特魅⼒。

通过 George Town Lomowall ,你能够看到⼀幅幅充满⽣机和活 ⼒的摄影作品。每⼀个快⻔拍摄背后所蕴含的故事和情感,每⼀ 张照片都像是⼀扇窗户,带你⾛进槟城,感受这座城市的多元文 化和独特魅⼒。
