ATEC Academy培育有理论基础又有创作实力多媒体设计人才
现在报读ATEC Academy Multimedia Design 多媒体设计课程! |
ATEC Academy艺术学院是创意设计专门学院,本院贯彻现代设计之父包浩斯 “美术”和“科技”双结合的概念,朝向培育有理论基础又有创作实力多媒体设计人才的目标前进,部分上课时间采用“工作式”方式进行。本院引进先进电脑概念,辅助课程进展,使学员以更灵活更积极更具创意的方式完成学业。除了课堂学习也时常安排户外实习与考察交流活动,让学员通过思考,观摩,参与,分享,讨论,切磋与辩证来促进创作新思维提升水准,使创作灵思泉源涌现,连绵不息,有效的达到创作目标。
目标有了就考取受大马政府承认之多媒体设计课程! |
Welcome to the ATEC Academy of New Media Design. We are
one of the Penang 's established specialist Art
and Design schools. We are dedicated to making practical art and design tuition
accessible to everyone. Our learning environment is friendly, allowing students
to access comprehensive course materials and friendly tuition from qualified,
experienced tutors. We offer a range of Multimedia Design courses for all
levels of ability, from the beginner to the more advance level.
We are a creative professional design education centre which
accomplishes the design concept of combination in “ART” and “Technology”. It
pursues the creating spirit of the founder of modern graphic design BAUHAUS and
introduces the concept of advance computer design to supplement development of
the course, thus to enrich the curriculum.
Graphic Design (平面设计), Photography(摄影制作), Web Design(网页设计), Animation Design (动画设计), Digital Illustration(数码插画), Video Production (影片制作)
ATEC Web : http://www.atec.edu.my/
ATEC Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/atecpenang
ATEC Blog : https://atecpg.blogspot.com/
ATEC Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/atecpenang/